Wednesday, June 23, 2010

200th Post

I just realized that this is my 200th post!!!
Sad news is that my computer crashed a few weeks ago and has been deemed unfixable. It's sort of hard to blog from someone else's computer, so this may be it.
Email me at if you need me. I can't get my other emails.
Peace for now!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sleepy City

Today I was out and about in my old city and I was able to accomplish something I've wanted to do for a long time: take pictures of people sleeping!!! I didn't set out to take pictures of sleeping people, but I saw so many that I just started taking their picture. This city is insanely loud and I don't understand how people can sleep in it. It's the funniest thing to me.
I could have robbed the bank. Good thing I'm already rich. (that's a joke) My favorite part is that his shoes are off. This is the S. Asian eqvialent of strapping a kid in the mini-van to get them to sleep:

This is my favorite. The ice cream man on top of his stand. I guess this way no one will be able to steal from him.

I had so much fun taking pictures of people while they were asleep. It's sort of a rush not knowing if they are going to wake up or not.

Is this weird?

Friday, June 4, 2010

First Kurtas!!!

A friend of ours is making a quilt out of all the kurtas (tops) of the girls she's worked with here. Abby and I were considering which ones we should give, and we figured we should give her our first ones. Here's a picture of us during our first week in S. Asia with our first kurtas on. I disliked mine then b/c I felt like an asparagus and I pretty much dislike it now. I'm not sure if I've worn it in public since this picture. I'm scared mine will ruin the quilt, so I may give up a better one.
Current Pics:

I'm rolling out of town tomorrow to pick up a newbie that will be w/ us for the next few weeks. I'm pumped for what's to come!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I totally passed out today and fell on top of an old man!!! Last time I passed out and someone had to catch me was in high school and I ended up getting a prom date out of it. This time there were no perks just pure embarrassment and a bruised knee. That's about all the story.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Can't Sleep

And all I can think about is the fact that I won't have a job when I get back!!! So, I've been in deep thought about how I'm going to pay the bills. Here's what I've come up w/ thus far:

1) About a billion of my friends back home have had kids since I've been here, so I'm considering opening a nursery. Ok, stop laughing out loud. I know it would be a disaster, but why not capitalize on my friends' fertility. (yikes, too much)

2) Cut grass. Pretty sure this one won't work out either b/c I don't own a lawn mover or any other equipment, and I think my parents wouldn't appreciate me jacking their tools all the time. Also, a ton of other peeps do this for a living.

3) I think this one is jack-pot. Somehow I'm going to convince people to let me go through their home and collect junk for a yard sale. I would organize everything then me and the homeowner would divvy up the profit, and what I couldn't sell at the yard sale would go on ebay. I read somewhere that most people have $3,000 worth of un-used goods in their homes. Lets sell that junk...Let me sell your junk!!! I love it. I'm a genius!!!

I'm totally up for other suggestions or job offers!!! I'm sort of just joking w/ this post, but I really can't sleep and totally have a meeting tomorrow morning. We still don't have water. PTL for baby wipes!!! The point of this is that if in a few months you see me on the corner holding a sign that resembles the one a sister out!!! Seriously just kidding on that one. Mary Kathryn has already promised me that I could live with her and eat her food for as long as I needed!!! Gotta love big sisters!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Frogg Toggs

Momma sent me one of these towels in my last package and I absolutely love it. Our electricity has been out the past few nights, so its been a little hot. These little things are amazing. You just wet them and wring them out...then it turns cold!!! It stayed cool throughout the night. Tonight thankfully we have electricity, but no water!!! Hopefully we'll get some tomorrow. Meanwhile its a chilly 82 degrees in my room w/ my fan on. Don't take that as a complaint. It's a praise compared to how hot it got in the Dirty D (my old city).

The French Open is going on now. Poor Andy Roddick barely made it through his first round match. But I get to see him play at least one more day, so I'm happy. Come on USA!!! Also, we've been able to watch the NBA Eastern Conference Final games. I want the Magic to come back. Mainly b/c the Celtics have no excuse for losing.

I knew you guys were wondering about cooling towels and sports, so I decided to update you.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I guess its official now...I'll be home Aug. 4th at 4pm!!!! Well, I'll hopefully land in Charlotte at that time.
What in the world???

Please be pray for me!!! I'm going CRAZY!!! My thoughts are becoming slightly schizophrenic!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

No Shame

I feel no shame in admitting I sort of really like this book. Don't judge!!! I hesitated to read it for a long time mainly because of the cheesy cover, but now I'm reading it for the third time! Well, that's mainly because it is one of the only books I have here.

Anyways, good news Redeeming Love fans....they are making it into a movie!!!!

It's Christian fiction and it's pretty much quality. If you read and like this book then you must read the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers. The first book is A Voice in the Wind, the second is An Echo in the Darkness, and the third and my fav. is As Sure as the Dawn. I know they have super corny titles, but once again...quality entertainment.

Get to reading ladies!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Allie Goat

Our friend named his 3 day old little goats after Abby and me. I'm the black one. He named the goat, Allie Goat.
This is our friend riding his donkey. He said I could, but I was too scared that the donkey would collapse.
Here are just some random pics from our recent trip:

We've been working w/ people from home and having a lot of fun. They crack us up. One of them pasted out on the side of the road b/c of the heat. It was only 95 degrees. Abby and I just reminisced on the days when it was 95 degrees in our bedroom while we were trying to sleep at night. But over all, they were troopers. I guess the heat did throw them for a loop b/c they knew they were visiting the Himalayan Mountains and seeing snow capped mountains while standing in the heat is a little odd.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vacation Pics

We rented one of these boats for the day:

They let me drive for like 5 seconds!!! Good call Captain.

The Team:

Towards the end of the trip it started to rain. We were all so excited b/c we rarely see rain and I love storms.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fun Faces

These are a few faces from our last trip. All of the kids in the pictures are Compassion International supported kids(except the baby at the end). Compassion is a super awesome and legit organization whose slogan is "Releasing Children from Poverty in Jesus' Name." You can sponsor a child my giving like 32ish dollars a month. I've been to two Compassion projects here and I definitely cannot wait to get back and start sponsoring a kid. Also, if I were a parent I think it would be a good way to introduce my kids to how other kids live. Click here to find more info about Compassion.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Last Vacay!!!

I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but I've been on vacay for the past two weeks!!! I would have rather been here working though b/c vacay here isn't really vacay.

Here's one of many pictures that are to come:
Y'all know I love animals!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

So Talented!!!

Look at what Baby Heath can do:

This is the kid I saw when I was home. I'm not sure who my family is sending me pictures of now. He looks so different, but I guess that's what babies do; grow and change.
Anyways, I hope things are going well for everyone!!! I'll be traveling for the next two weeks, so I'll be back in May with pictures and stories of course.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


#1- if you think too much about the word "sick" it sort of begins to look and sound funny
#2- when words start to sound funny, you just want to repeat them which makes your roommate think you've officially lost your mind
#3- yesterday I got over being the sickest I've ever been since being here
#4- when you're sick for 12 days (yeah, I was counting) you start to look for benefits such as weight loss
#5- no weight loss occurred over the past 12 days
#6- I'm no longer sick, but the meds I'm on make everything taste like you're chewing on a battery!!!

The team was over the other night for dinner and I said, "Sorry guys if the water tastes bad, I don't know what's wrong." Everyone responded, "The water taste normal." Earlier I had apologized for the watermelon tasting funny and they said, "this watermelon tastes great...where did you get it?" At that point, I realized things were tasting a little different to me. The entire day, I just thought it was the water I drank that morning that left a bad taste in my mouth. Eventually, I looked up side effects of the medicine and it said, "Could cause a metallic taste."

Norfloz TZ, you definitely left a metallic taste in my mouth!!! and I'm sick of it. haha, I used "sick." Yeap, Abby you're right, I'm losing my mind!!! I am blogging about a bad taste in my mouth.

There's really no point of this and no pictures, so it's a pretty lame post. I'll try again later.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stupidness Thing Thus Far...

Is when I paid to jump off of this thing:
It's the third highest bungee jumping bridge in the world!!!!

This is what I saw when I looked down:
Here's the bridge:
I know the pics aren't that great and they don't do it justice, but that's the best angle I could get. I have a video of me jumping. I almost chickened out, but they told me I couldn't get a refund, so I jumped!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Camera

That means the neighborhood girls now cover over for a daily photo shoot. This day they pranced around, posed in the garden and demanded that I take their picture. I took around 200 pics of them. Here are just a few:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Everest Pics

These are pics from our Everest flyover:

A view of the Himalayas out of the window:

Here she is:
I'm not going to lie, I thought she would tower over the rest. She's the highest peak to the left that has snow blowing off of it.
Can you believe people actually summit that beast every year??? It takes around two months and a sweet deal of $65,000!!! Flying over it is enough for me!!! They say once you summit it, you can look down and see bodies of dead people that weren't so lucky. The bodies are left b/c no one can safely get to them...YIKES!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Travels

I don't even know how to begin to write about our big adventure. The travel itinerary was as follows:
Day 1:
-4 hours down the mountain in a cab then
-4 hours on the train

Day 2:
-3 hour flight
-3 hour cab ride
-1 detour b/c of a road strike, so plus a few more minutes in a truck on a bumpy dirt road

Day 3:
-14 hours on a bus. One in which the seat in front of my was completely broken so I had a grown man fully reclined in his seat pressed against my knees for the entire trip. Abby and I both had bruises after that. Also my seat was broken, but instead of leaning back it leaned to the side. So on every left curve I was dangling in the aisle. Needless to say, but I'm back on caffeine!!! I don't fair so well traveling without it.

Day 4:
-Pepto is needed!!! Abby gets offered marijuana. I laugh; she doesn't. We get stuck across town b/c of another road strike, so we go native and walk for a few hours back to our hotel.

Day 5: We fly over Mt. Everest!!!...more pepto needed!!! Abby gets offered marijuana again!!!! I'm still laughing.

Day 6: Bungee jumping pepto is out, so now onto Abby's. We get in a wreck on the bus. Don't worry guys I only broke a finger nail!!! Abby is fine as well.

Day 7: Abby gets offered marijuana and she goes off on the man. "Do I look like someone who does that stuff???" I'm nearly wetting my pants at this point.

The next days we repeat days 1 and 2 to arrive at home a few hours before Easter. Our internet is really slow, so I promise I'll put up more pics when I can.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We had a great Easter here!!! I love Easter!!! ..."if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." 1Cor. 15:14 Good thing He is Risen!!! Many people can die for a good cause, but I've never heard of any of them walking out of a tomb!!! Anyways, here are some pics from our little South Asian Celebration:

Egg dye was complimentary of Whitney. Thanks Whito, we had a ton of fun dying eggs!!!
These little kids kept finding the eggs before the hunt began, so naturally I chased them. They thought I couldn't find them behind this bench.
You know you are in the third world when the best egg hiding spots are behind trash.

I'm working on getting my bungee jumping video so you guys can view it. Oh yeah, I jumped off the third highest bungee bridge in the WORLD!!!