Friday, May 29, 2009

Let's See How This Works...

One thing I would like to do before my life ends is to go to all 4 tennis grand slams. Although I'm not that good, I really enjoy playing tennis, but I think I like watching it even more.
Every time I write on my blog something I like or miss, someone always sends me an email wanting my address so they can send it to me. I sort of like this game. Let's see what you guys can do w/ my dream of visiting all four grand slams.
The 4 are the Australian Open, The French Open, Wimbledon, and the U.S. Open. Right now, the French Open is going on.
And just in case you were wondering, Yes, Andy Roddick has made it into the third round.
Also, I'm joking about someone else paying for me to go to all four grand slams. I would never let someone do that...well, maybe if they were a billionaire and have already given millions away to charities.
Nadal is in the pic....look at those arms!!! They beat my hairy man's arms.
I'm a little busy w/ vistors from home, so sorry about not updating much. Maybe at the end of the few weeks, I'll have some good stories.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hillsong United!!!

My Favorite Worship Band...Hillsong coming back to the U.S and are releasing a new CD. They are an Australian Band that travels all over the world raising awareness for social needs while rocking out for Jesus. Last year, I went to their concerts in Memphis, TN and Ocean Grove, N.J. I don't think Edgar knows about my New Jersey trip. I guess he does now. It was so worth it. I would do it all over again too. Their tour dates are below. There's going to be a concert in Atlanta, so that's sort of close. Click here to check out their website.

Not Good!!!!

My laptop won't play my Pride and Prejudice DVD. I'm not exaggerating when I say, I watch it at least once every two weeks. The HP people are going to laugh at me tomorrow when my complaint is that my DVD player won't play Pride and Prejudice. It's my sleeping drug of choice. Some people need the sound of an ocean or whatever, I need Pride and Prejudice. Sad times...
Good thing is that if my DVD is the problem, Abby brought her P&P DVD too.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Amazon and Zappos

I'm obsessed with both of them. They have everything you could possibly need besides fresh food. Zappos has free shipping on everything regardless of the price. It's not free shipping as in you'll get it in three weeks. It's next day shipping, so you'll receive your order w/in three days!!! Also, they sell everything from Lilly Pulitzer to Chacos. It's not just shoes. I've ordered several random things from them and have been completely happy.

Ugh, I wish was never invented. I was probably one of their loyalist customers. I'm thankful shipping to S. Asia is outrageous b/c I would still be buying books like crazy. This is sad, but now since I can't buy the books I want, I've created a Wish List. Instead of clicking the button that says "Add to Basket," I click on "Add to Wish List." It's like a registry for students, engaged couples, etc., but I like to pretend my book fairy receives the list and one day I'll get those books. Is this sad or what? Also, it's really easy to sell books on Amazon. I sold most of my paralegal textbooks on it and made way more than I would have if I sold them back to the bookstore. It's a great .com

Monday, May 18, 2009

Abby Went Under the Knife

Maybe I should say, "Under the Laser." Saturday she had Lasik eye surgery. You're probably thinking...There??? Yeap, she walked a few blocks over to the hospital. A friend picked her up in a car and when arrived back at the flat she could see. She waltzed into our flat looking like Ray Charles b/c of her glasses. To greet her were three smelly plumbers that were pounding away at the drain in my bathroom. They left shortly after she arrived, but their stench remained in my room. Thanks to those who have sent candles.

I don't know if you've ever heard of "medical tourism." Medical tourism is when people travel across borders to receive cheap medical treatment. A study done by the University of Delaware found this:

"The cost of surgery in India, Thailand or South Africa can be one-tenth of what it is in the United States or Western Europe, and sometimes even less. A heart-valve replacement that would cost $200,000 or more in the US, for example, goes for $10,000 in India--and that includes round-trip airfare and a brief vacation package. Similarly, a metal-free dental bridge worth $5,500 in the US costs $500 in India, a knee replacement in Thailand with six days of physical therapy costs about one-fifth of what it would in the States, and Lasik eye surgery worth $3,700 in the US is available in many other countries for only $730. Cosmetic surgery savings are even greater: A full facelift that would cost $20,000 in the US runs about $1,250 in South Africa."

It seems to be the cost effective thing to do. However, I cannot imagine going to Thailand to have a hip replacement. The beach wouldn't be the same if you had to be wheeled out to it. My stereotypes of other countries would cause so much fear that I don't think I could do it. Not that I'm planning to, but if I wanted a facelift, South Africa wouldn't be first on my list to check out.. The thing is that most of the doctors in South Asia, South Africa, etc. were educated in the U.S. or U.K. They've been taught in the same schools and in the same techniques and procedures as our doctors in the U.S. It would still worry me. I'm going to stick w/ trying to avoid surgery all together.

P.S. Abby's eyes are doing great. She has a ton of drops to put in them so that's annoying, but she's not wearing her glasses anymore so that's good.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where there's no Sonic...

You make onion rings from scratch.
I'm not sure it's worth all the trouble. Last night at around midnight, I had a crazy craving for onion rings. So, today I set out to make them. I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I had to make everything from scratch including the bread crumbs needed.

As you can see by the two burnt ones, I'm not very good at frying things. I think the oil was too hot. Also, they sort of look like doughnuts. However, the ones I didn't burn were really good. I paid a fortune for Heinz ketchup and enjoyed them. Here's the recipe if you're interested:

1 large onion, cut into 1/4 inch slices
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 cup milk, or as needed
3/4 cup dry bread crumbs
seasoned salt to taste
1 quart oil for frying, or as needed

Heat the oil in a deep-fryer to 365 degrees F (185 degrees C).
Separate the onion slices into rings, and set aside. In a small bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder and salt.
Dip the onion slices into the flour mixture until they are all coated; set aside. Whisk the egg and milk into the flour mixture using a fork. Dip the floured rings into the batter to coat, then place on a wire rack to drain until the batter stops dripping. The wire rack may be placed over a sheet of aluminum foil for easier clean up. Spread the bread crumbs out on a plate or shallow dish. Place rings one at a time into the crumbs, and scoop the crumbs up over the ring to coat. Give it a hard tap as you remove it from the crumbs. The coating should cling very well. Repeat with remaining rings.
Deep fry the rings a few at a time for 2 to 3 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove to paper towels to drain. Season with seasoning salt, and serve

Monday, May 11, 2009

Morning Prayers

I'm not a morning person. Anyone who has ever lived w/ me or traveled w/ me knows that. I'm not mean in the mornings, I'm just not all together. I actually envy morning people. I wish I was someone who enjoyed waking up early and having my quiet times, running, etc. I've heard numerous sermons preached referencing Mark 1:35 on the need to rise early in the morning to spending time w/ our Lord. I've heard countless testimonies of people that spend hours w/ the Lord each morning. Upon hearing those things, I'm always felt feeling inadequate b/c I'm not like that.

Equaling the number of sermons or lectures I've heard on morning prayer, I've heard leaders encourage husbands and wives to pray together each night. I think they go off of Ephesians 4:26-27, "In your anger do not sin' Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." They'll say something like, "It's hard to pray w/ someone you're angry at."

Even when we're little, we're taught to say our prayers at night. Everyone knows, "Now I lay me down to sleep..." I cannot remember anymore.

I think all of the things mentioned above are biblical and therefore good. I want to wake up in the morning happy to spend time praying and meditating on God's word. One day, I want to pray w/ my children and husband at night. But I cannot stop thinking what if morning prayers become a priority over prayers at night. We need a "Now I rise from sleep" prayer.

I prefer night QT's because they are convenient. I'm wide awake and together then. I remember when I was younger, mornings were crazy b/c I was always running around finding my homework I did last night or trying to decide what I was going to wear. So, maybe its not practical. Maybe it's too hard b/c husbands and wives get out of bed at different times, etc. Maybe its unreasonable, but I just keep thinking about Proverbs 22:6, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." I cannot get the potential out of my mind.

I'm not sure why this was on my mind. Maybe it has something to do w/ the fact that 6 of my friends are pregnant. 3 at home and 3 here.

Here are some morning prayer references:
Psalm 4- Evening Prayer
Psalm 5- Morning Prayer
Mark 1:35- J rising early

Here's one of many sites that have kids morning and evening prayers:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I could kill

I think Papa Iguana knows I hate him. He's on my ceiling watching me read and shaking his tail. I hate him. He seriously stresses me out. As soon as I get rid of this stupid lizard, I'll blog about something else. I just read that I could pour hot water on him and it would kill him, but I would scorch myself in the process. It maybe worth it. I've got to get over this stupid little fear or I'm not going to make it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

All I want is...

A Pet Peacock!!!! Am I asking for too much? Let me explain. After the dirtiness happened on the shelf in my room, one lizard was dead. I wanted to wait and let my language tutor move it the next day, but I was scared it would start smelling. So Abby and I tackled it. I successfully scooped it into a box and Abby then threw it over the balcony. It was a great team building exercise.

Well the next day my language tutor said that I should get peacock feathers and put them in my room. He said that they are scared of the feathers b/c peacocks eat lizards. I don't want to chance it with feathers; I want a peacock!!! I have been thinking that I could keep it out on the balcony and bring it in when I see Papa Iguana. When we went rafting last weekend, we saw a wild peacock on the side of the mountain. Maybe that was my God given chance to capture it and bring it home w/ me. I'm getting ridiculous thoughts. The peacock is the national bird here, so it would roughly be equivalent to me having a pet eagle back home. I'm losing my mind.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Sin to Confess

I skipped my language lesson this morning. I called and said that I wasn't feeling well. It's partially true, but I didn't feel bad enough not to go. Well, God is punishing me in a crazy way. The mini-iguanas have taken over my bedroom. I was reading and out the corner of my eye, I see Papa iguana. Next thing I know he's on top of my cabinets and I hear a rumbling noise. I stand up on my bed so I can see. don't want to know what I saw. Let's just say Papa isn't alone. It's sick. I'm never skipping language again. I'm not posting any pics. w/ this post. This blog will not resemble National Geographic.