Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Signing Off

I know I've been the worst blogger recently. It's not from lack of things to blog about, I'm just struggling to share. My past few journal entries have begun by, "God you've given me the craziest life ever, but I wouldn't change it for anything!" Over the past month, I've had extreme highs and other times have knocked me onto my knees. That's where I need to spend more time anyways.

My sister is due in 8 Days!!!!, but I'm moving into my new flat tomorrow and won't have internet for two weeks. When I get the call, I'll be running up the mountain to get internet access so I can skype my family at the hospital. Yeah, her hospital has wireless awesome is that?

Also, I'll be coming home for a visit in 3 weeks!!! I'm not sure if I'm ready for America yet or maybe I'm not sure if America is ready for me. I know for sure I'm ready for Wal-Mart!!! and to see my baby nephew!!! I think my excitement is equal for both. Just kidding. Baby Heath wins.

Anyways, I hope things are going well for you guys. I most likely won't post anything new until October, so don't bother checking this site. Hopefully by October, I'll be over my writer's block.
