I had all my hair cut off today. I should never be left alone. I get crazy thoughts and I'm so impulsive I usually act on those thoughts. Since Abby isn't here, I had no one to stop me. I had it cut off last summer and it looked horrible; I was so upset and typically I could care less what my hair looks like. So this time I took a picture of what my hair looked like after the lady last summer cut it off and I asked my friend to not let it look anything like it did. Anyways, the good news is that it doesn't look like it did. Since I'm not a fan of taking pictures of myself, it may be awhile before you guys see the new cut.
On a totally different note, I'm going to Thailand in a week and cannot wait. While I'm there, I want to go Zorbing. The only problem is that I don't think I'll be able to find someone to do it with me. If you're wondering what Zorbing is the picture below should explain it. You roll down a hill in a big ball...that's about it. I seriously doubt I do it, but I hope I do b/c it would be so much fun.

I cut my hair too Alli!!! 7 inches GONE.
Also, Zorbig looks like something we would have tried to create on our own...on those many summer nights of bordem.
I've always wanted to go Zorbing :) I don't think it's good to do that while pregnant though :) haha!
I didn't know you could do it in Thailand - cool! Where are you going to do it? My friends have done it in new Zealand but they put water in the bubble with them... looks fun!
I get to see your hair next week :)
If Abby is every out of town again, come over here and hang out :) We have foosball, Wii & lots of games!
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