Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monkey in my Trash!!!

This little guy woke me up this morning after he threw the lid of our trash can down the stairs:

I took this video around 6am-ish from my upstairs bedroom window. Eventually I went downstairs to run him off, but he wouldn't leave. I didn't want to be too loud and wake up the other roomies and I was too scared to open our screen door, so I stood inside and stomped and tried to talk to him. Then I realized he doesn't understand English, so I politely asked him to leave in Hindi and he did. My roommate that stays downstairs said she thought that she has having a dream that I was yelling at someone. Anyways that's the latest monkey drama that I wanted to share.

I hope everyone is having a great week and nothing is trying to steal your trash!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute! thats a big ole monkey i would not open the screen door either.