I'm not a morning person. Anyone who has ever lived w/ me or traveled w/ me knows that. I'm not mean in the mornings, I'm just not all together. I actually envy morning people. I wish I was someone who enjoyed waking up early and having my quiet times, running, etc. I've heard numerous sermons preached referencing Mark 1:35 on the need to rise early in the morning to spending time w/ our Lord. I've heard countless testimonies of people that spend hours w/ the Lord each morning. Upon hearing those things, I'm always felt feeling inadequate b/c I'm not like that.
Equaling the number of sermons or lectures I've heard on morning prayer, I've heard leaders encourage husbands and wives to pray together each night. I think they go off of Ephesians 4:26-27, "In your anger do not sin' Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." They'll say something like, "It's hard to pray w/ someone you're angry at."
Even when we're little, we're taught to say our prayers at night. Everyone knows, "Now I lay me down to sleep..." I cannot remember anymore.
I think all of the things mentioned above are biblical and therefore good. I want to wake up in the morning happy to spend time praying and meditating on God's word. One day, I want to pray w/ my children and husband at night. But I cannot stop thinking what if morning prayers become a priority over prayers at night. We need a "Now I rise from sleep" prayer.
I prefer night QT's because they are convenient. I'm wide awake and together then. I remember when I was younger, mornings were crazy b/c I was always running around finding my homework I did last night or trying to decide what I was going to wear. So, maybe its not practical. Maybe it's too hard b/c husbands and wives get out of bed at different times, etc. Maybe its unreasonable, but I just keep thinking about Proverbs 22:6, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." I cannot get the potential out of my mind.
I'm not sure why this was on my mind. Maybe it has something to do w/ the fact that 6 of my friends are pregnant. 3 at home and 3 here.
Here are some morning prayer references:
Psalm 4- Evening Prayer
Psalm 5- Morning Prayer
Mark 1:35- J rising early
Here's one of many sites that have kids morning and evening prayers:
1 comment:
I used to have trouble waking up before 10:00 - but now Aashini wakes up at 5:45 am ... it's funny, today she woke up at 7:00 and I felt like I was sleeping in - haha!
Also, Morning sickness really messes with morning quiet times :) haha!
... that was random (what I wrote - not yours, yours was good :))...
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