It's been awhile since I've posted anything, so I'll just share a funny story that happened a few weeks ago. It's sort of long, so I hope you can follow it.

Last Monday was Republic Day, not to be confused with their Independence Day which is celebrated in August. Abby and I flew in on Sunday and were asked by our landlord to visit her school for their Republic Day celebration that Monday. So 7:30am Monday morning, we were dressed and ready to attend the program. When I say dressed I was wearing a kurta with jeans and had my fleece jacket on. I wasn't looking my best.
The program was scheduled to start at 8am, but we didn't get into our LL's car until 7:55am. She cannot drive to begin with and since we were late she was driving like a crazy person. Once we got on the main road, she slammed on brakes and asked us if we brought a present for the principal. Of course, we didn't because didn't know we were suppose to. We turned around and one of her daughters ran inside and found a present. Abby and I had no clue what was going on.
Eventually we make it to the school and we are escorted into the Vice-Principal's office. We just think it's because its cold outside and our LL wants us to stay inside. Let me just say we've been living here for over three months and we still don't know her name. We just call her "The Landlord." We're working on that.
Back to the story. They say the program is about to begin, so we go outside to this large field. Kids are sitting to the right of us, parents to the left, and the marching band in front. All of a sudden they announce to the crowd that we are the Guest of Honor and are escorted onto the stage. Once we sit on stage in front of everyone, they welcome us then quote Pres. Obama. It was so awkward. Throughout the program, the children performed and bowed in front of us. It would have been like East Clarendon having a Independence Day program and inviting Russians to be guest of honor. It was so weird.
After the program, they usher us into the principal's office where he oddly talks about America's economy and we give him the unwrapped gift. They told us to wait in his office until the reception was ready. Yeap, they had a reception for us. 15 min. later we walked into the conference room and once again sat in front of everyone while they served us gross sweets. I struggled not to laugh and make bad faces while I ate.
Eventually a man went to the podium and sang a song, then we were informed that we were expected to speak. Abby and I have learned that I speak first and she follows me to clean up the mess I make. So, I get up to speak and say, "Now we're going to sing a little song from America." I was just kidding b/c I thought it was funny since it was their Republic Day. Needless to say, no one laughed. They actually started to encourage me. They said, "No, really...please sing for us." The only song I could think of was God Bless America. I looked at Abby and she gave me the "I cannot fix this" look. Of course, I backed out and didn't sing. They were a little disappointed with me because they love for people to sing. I tried to explain it was better for everyone that I didn't sing. Then I said something about how I was a history major in college and congratulated them on the 50th Republic Day. was their 60th. They got upset with me again. It was horrible. I eventually stopped and handed it over to Abby. She proceeded to say, that we are here to help them with they things they struggle with like women's literacy. This was to a room full of teachers. It didn't go over so well. The one good thing is that I don't think we need to worry about being invited back to this school anytime soon.
On the way home our LL ran a red light, which is normal, and was stopped by a policeman. She got of out the car, paid him 100 rupees, and got back in the car and drove off. 100 rupees is like $2.
Anyways, I hope you can understand this little story and think it was a funny as Abby and I do. This is the one time I didn't have my camera, so there are no pictures.
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