Today I was out and about in my old city and I was able to accomplish something I've wanted to do for a long time: take pictures of people sleeping!!! I didn't set out to take pictures of sleeping people, but I saw so many that I just started taking their picture. This city is insanely loud and I don't understand how people can sleep in it. It's the funniest thing to me.

I could have robbed the bank. Good thing I'm already rich. (that's a joke) My favorite part is that his shoes are off.

This is the S. Asian eqvialent of strapping a kid in the mini-van to get them to sleep:

This is my favorite. The ice cream man on top of his stand. I guess this way no one will be able to steal from him.

I had so much fun taking pictures of people while they were asleep. It's sort of a rush not knowing if they are going to wake up or not.
Is this weird?