#1- if you think too much about the word "sick" it sort of begins to look and sound funny
#2- when words start to sound funny, you just want to repeat them which makes your roommate think you've officially lost your mind
#3- yesterday I got over being the sickest I've ever been since being here
#4- when you're sick for 12 days (yeah, I was counting) you start to look for benefits such as weight loss
#5- no weight loss occurred over the past 12 days
#6- I'm no longer sick, but the meds I'm on make everything taste like you're chewing on a battery!!!
The team was over the other night for dinner and I said, "Sorry guys if the water tastes bad, I don't know what's wrong." Everyone responded, "The water taste normal." Earlier I had apologized for the watermelon tasting funny and they said, "this watermelon tastes great...where did you get it?" At that point, I realized things were tasting a little different to me. The entire day, I just thought it was the water I drank that morning that left a bad taste in my mouth. Eventually, I looked up side effects of the medicine and it said, "Could cause a metallic taste."
Norfloz TZ, you definitely left a metallic taste in my mouth!!! and I'm sick of it. haha, I used "sick." Yeap, Abby you're right, I'm losing my mind!!! I am blogging about a bad taste in my mouth.
There's really no point of this and no pictures, so it's a pretty lame post. I'll try again later.