Currently I'm spending my Christmas Eve fighting w/ this little guy, baking cookies, and decorating ziploc bags. All of the girls spend the night at a friends house last night and are planning to do the same tonight. I had to come home to bake cookies b/c I told some of the neighbors I would. I got home a few hours ago and realized that I didn't have my cell phone. That causes a lot of problems but mainly b/c we need our oven to bake dinner tonight and everyone thinks I'm bringing it in a taxi later. So without my cell phone I have no one's number to call and give them a heads up. On top of that little dilemma this little guys showed up and won't leave, so I'm not scared to leave my house. Just watch the video and you'll see why.
The third dilimma is that I painted on the ziploc bags that I was going to put the cookies in with glitter glue that won't dry. You maybe thinking, just use the blow dryer...yeah, I tried that for 10 minutes and they still won't dry. Honestly that isn't the problem. The problem is that I painted on the only unused bags we have. Plastic bags are banned here so we have to get them sent from the states and we usually wash and reuse them. I can't give out cookies in used ziplocs!!!
The good news is that the cookies are yum!!!!