Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I Think I'm Homesick!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Bad Christmas Evangelism
The day started off horrible because I had to drive from home for my shift. So, I wasn't excited about the possibility of spending more in gas money that I would make during my shift. Halfway back to Charleston I realized I left my cell phone. Normally I could have cared less, but I needed my phone to call and arrange when I was going to pick up a co-worker for a church service that night. She didn't have to work on Christmas Eve because she had children. Anyways after hunting down a pay phone, I was able to arrange when and where I was supposed to meet her.
She decided that she would walk to the church and I would meet her there. I arrived and couldn't find her. Eventually the service started and she still hadn't shown up. So I stood in the lobby, refusing to go in the service because I knew she would show up. 15 minutes into the service she arrived. To my surprise, it was a half Spanish, half English service. Also, during the music a lady beside us keep yelling like she was being electrically shocked. I think it would have been better if my friend had never shown up.
I learned a lot from this experience. Mainly I learned that the goal of evangelism isn't to get someone to a church service. It's easier to put sharing the gospel on the preacher, but it rest on the shoulders of all members of Christ's body. (Me and You)
After the service, I took my friend to do some last minute shopping at the only store open in North Charleston, K-Mart. It was insane. It took us a couple of hours to buy milk and eggs. As I think about it now, that is what I should have done in the beginning. I wonder what kind of impact it would have had on her if instead of asking her to go to church with me that I asked her how I could help her prepare for Christmas.
We celebrate Christmas day because we consider it that day that Jesus was born. It is the day that God gave the world its savior. I've been so guilty of seeing Christmas day as a day of receiving instead of giving. I was reading over the birth of Jesus the other day and could not help, but think about His death. Our salvation didn't come in His birth, but in His death and resurrection. (1 Cor. 15:1-5) Why don't we go crazy and celebrate Easter like we do Christmas? Whenever I have my own family, we're going to blow Easter out of the water!!!!!!!!!
Here are two quotes by St. Francis of Assisi that I really like. They really don't relate to this post, but I really like them.
"Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
"It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching."
Saturday, December 20, 2008
New Pictures
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
YAY!!!! for Life!!!!
I was so mad for many reasons. There are only like 3 trees in this city, so we don't need to be cutting any more down. Also, he was making a mess right before our party.
Later on I looked out the kitchen window and saw this guy:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
KFC and Reincarnation
As I was eating, one of the workers came up to me and asked for me to fill out a comment card. While I was filling out the card, I thought I saw something move under my table. I didn't immediately see what it was then the little booger moved again. There was a rat under my table! I was sitting in a booth, so he would run from one corner to the other. I immediately jumped up and got away from my booth. As usual, people were looking at me like I was crazy. I tried to explain that I saw a rat, but they acted like they didn't care. I was doing hand motions and everything, but of course the little rat wouldn't come back out. Eventually, I jumped back into the booth on my knees and grabbed my bags and the comment card.
I walked up front to hand in my halfway completed comment card and to order food for my partner. I tried to explain to the workers what I saw. I don't know if they think it's normal or if they didn't understand me. I really think that everyone just thinks rats in restaurants are normal. Our instinct is to set a trap and kill it, but here that rat may be someones deceased uncle. Their solution is to catch it in a trap and release it outside. Which doesn't solve anything b/c they find their way right back inside. Restaurants and Reincarnation is South Asia shouldn't mix well. We, foreigners, prefer all animals inside the restaurant to be the cooked ones we are being served. However, I cannot blame the managers belief in reincarnation for keeping him from hunting down the rat, b/c he does sell cooked chicken for a living.
You probably thought, I cannot believe you still ordered your partner food from there. That KFC is one of the cleanest restaurants I've been to over here. I'll continue to eat at it and I did warn my partner about the incident, but it didn't really bother her. I'm sure you may have rat siting stories that have happened to you in the U.S. or other countries.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What Do All of These Things Have in Common?

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Momma Kim Rocks as Santa!!!
A Cinnamon stick candle. I woke up one morning and my partner was burning it. I almost cried; it smelt so good and reminded me of Christmastime at home. The tree in the background was also in one of the boxes.
I really like the candles that smell like Christmas trees. Is that weird? We always have an artificial tree, but I'm pretty sure we burn candles that smell like trees. Maybe my family is the only one that does that.
My parents are sending Christmas gifts too. I heard Edgar almost had a stroke when he paid to have it shipped here. It's sad when the shipping cost more than the contents inside do. Once my partner opened her boxes, she started smelling some of the things inside that still smelt like home. I think that'll be the first thing I'll do too. You cannot imagine the smells here. You think Georgetown, SC smells bad. Overall there's a distinct smell, then you walk into pockets of grossness. It's horrible when I buy chicken and cover my nose b/c I think I'm going to start gagging. If you've ever visited here, you'll understand why I can't wait to smell what is inside of my Christmas package.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wild Goose Chase!!!!

There's a book I like called Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson. Here's a little portion of it:
John 3:8 states, "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
I by no means think that obeying the Spirit results in a never ending, purposeless goose chase. I do think obedience to the Spirit can take us to places that we never could have imagined. I can think of several people in my life that have said, "I would have never thought I would be living here...but I am" or "I never thought I would marry someone like .... but I did." Those phrases always end with, "And I know that was God's plan b/c ..."
In my life, I've wasted too much time chasing geese that weren't sent from the Big Man. Picking kiwis in New Zealand!!! Seriously, what am I thinking? One of greatest lessons I've learned is that not all of my dreams are God given. I wish they were b/c they seem like so much fun, but them I remind myself of verses like these:
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then when you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 28:11-13
"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
He knows what is best for me and you. Sometimes that takes us to foreign countries, or different counties. No one is better. All that matters is that it is His Spirit leading us there. From experience I know that if our plans are spurred by selfish desire, they'll fail. You may be thinking like I just thought, well what about these people who don't follow Him and still seem to be happy and successful? Then, I'm reminded of verses like these, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes...for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous." Psalm 37: 7, 17
P.S. We were invited to a wedding that is next week. I cannot wait. I hope to have some great pics that I'll share.