I truly believe everyday of my life has been an adventure. At the end of the day when I write in my journal, I can usually recap an odd occurance that defined the day. So, when I signed up for this "trip" I knew I would have a story or two to tell.
That's the final farewell picture.
The tales begin now and forgive me if I bore you. I understand that my momma will most likely be the only person to read the entire post.
On my third connection flight, I sat next to a Sikh. A Sikh follows the teachings of 10 gurus. Sikh's are often distinguished by wearing turbans which cover their hair that has never been cut.
On the 8 hour flight, I sat in between the Sikh(named Gurpreet) and another older local man. At the beginning of the flight I told Gurpreet that I didn't sleep on planes. After the flight took off, I took out my iPod to listen and he stopped me. He told me it would cause the pilot to crash the plane. Of course, I knew iPods were allowed, but I was too shy to tell him otherwise. At this point I prayed for God to knock me out b/c I didn't think I could make it without music. God granted that request. I was practically naraleptic. If it weren't for Gurpreet who continually poked me to tell me something, I would have slept the entire time. I fell asleep a few times while he was talking to me. The end of the story is that this guy asked me to move back to Canada with him and his wife. He told me that he could find me a good job, and then he gave me his son's phone number.
Day 1 was eventful to say the least. One thing I've realized that this city is absolutely insane, so this will be the first of many eventful days. The day began with our supervisors giving us a tour of the market. While she was leading us, she was hit by a car. It didn't knock her down; it just bent the car's mirror backwards. I screamed like my arm had just been chopped off and everyone turned to look. Great start to the day.
He's a little video clip of my first ride in an autorickshaw. I thought we were going to take out the man walking when we turned.
I've always liked Romans 10:14-15 which says, "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
I love that passage, but the beautiful feet part always bothered me b/c I think feet are gross. The below pictures are my battlewounds from my first day here.
Are these the beautiful feet that Paul's talking about?
I'm still not sure what made my ankle swell so much, but I thought I would have to cut my foot out of my sandal.

The event that resulted in this picture happened as I was attempting to cross the insanely busy road. I was stepping up onto a curb and avoiding a big hole when my pant leg got caught on some rusty rebar that was sticking out. Since my pant leg was stuck, I began hopping to keep my balance which in turn caused me to teeter back and forth over the road. Anyways the result was a ripped pant leg, a bloody ankle, and laughter from all my friends.

Pretty much, my left foot has caused more stress than any other factor since the move.
The first pic. is an Indian all vegetarian meal. The second picture is an attempt to redeem our lunch w/ some pizza.

The pizza had this glue-like cheese oozing from it. This is their version of stuffed crust. Also, this pic. doesn't do the oozing justice.

The last two days have been full of learning things the hard way.
The main lessons learned have been:
1) Don't sit next to a man on a plane that's trying to marry off his son.
2) Cars don't stop for people.
3) Don't cuff your pants when rebar is around.
4) Don't order stuffed crust pizza.
Stay tuned for more post. I'll load pics of me in my new outfits next.